'use strict' // var DEBUG = true; var DEBUG = false /** * simple JSONP support * * JSONP.get('https://api.github.com/gists/1431613', function (data) { console.log(data); }); * JSONP.get('https://api.github.com/gists/1431613', {}, function (data) { console.log(data); }); * * gist: https://gist.github.com/gists/1431613 */ var JSONP = (function (document) { var requests = 0, callbacks = {} return { /** * makes a JSONP request * * @param {String} src * @param {Object} data * @param {Function} callback */ get: function (src, data, callback) { // check if data was passed if (!arguments[2]) { callback = arguments[1] data = {} } // determine if there already are params src += src.indexOf('?') + 1 ? '&' : '?' var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], script = document.createElement('script'), params = [], requestId = requests, param // increment the requests requests++ // create external callback name data.callback = 'JSONP.callbacks.request_' + requestId // set callback function callbacks['request_' + requestId] = function (data) { // clean up head.removeChild(script) delete callbacks['request_' + requestId] // fire callback callback(data) } // traverse data for (param in data) { params.push(param + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[param])) } // generate params src += params.join('&') // set script attributes script.type = 'text/javascript' script.src = src // add to the DOM head.appendChild(script) }, /** * keeps a public reference of the callbacks object */ callbacks: callbacks } })(document) var queue = window.ana.q || [] // var trackerUrl = '//ana.dev/collect'; var trackerUrl = '//ana.dev' var trackerCode = '' var secondsInaYear = 31557600 var idleTimeoutInSeconds = 5 var sessionTimeoutInSeconds = 30 * 60 var defaultTimeoutInSeconds = secondsInaYear * 2 var user = { id: null } var commands = { trackPageview: trackPageview, setTrackerUrl: setTrackerUrl, setUserID: setUserID, setTrackingCode: setTrackingCode } var pixel var pixelLoadedTimeOut var vk = false //visitor key var pk = uuid() //page view key var pi //page id var sk var st var ru var stReported = 0 var addToSession = 0 var spvc = 0 var lastTracked = {} var trackingLocation = document.location.toString() var waitForVkTimeout = null var REFERRAL_EXCLUSION_LIST = [ 'localhost', // 'staging.clientify.net', // 'staging2.clientify.net', 'www.clientify.net', // 'clientify.net', 'clientify.local' ] // e=event // vi=value int // vf=value float // vs=value string // vm=value meta // top=value time on page // convert object to query string function stringifyObject(json) { var keys = Object.keys(json) // console.log('stringifyObject') // console.log(json) // omit empty keys = keys.filter(function (k) { return json[k].length > 0 }) return ( '?' + keys .map(function (k) { return encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(json[k]) }) .join('&') ) } function setTrackerUrl(v) { trackerUrl = v } function setUserID(uid) { user.id = uid setCDays('uid', user.id, 2 * 365) } function setTrackingCode(tc) { trackerCode = tc } function onPixelLoaded(i, try_count) { var duration = 100 var timeElapsed = duration * try_count clearTimeout(pixelLoadedTimeOut) if (timeElapsed > 30000) { return } if (!i.complete) { // console.log('pixel NOT completed:' + try_count); pixelLoadedTimeOut = setTimeout(function () { onPixelLoaded(i, try_count + 1) }, duration) } else { onPixelLoadedCallback() } } function onPixelLoadedCallback(i, try_count) { sk = getSk() trackPageviewTime() if (document.location.toString().indexOf('debug=on') > 0) { setC('debug', 'on', 60 * 60 * 24) } else if (document.location.toString().indexOf('debug=off') > 0) { setC('debug', 'off', 60 * 60 * 24) } var _debug = C('debug') if (typeof _debug !== 'undefined' && _debug === 'on') { DEBUG = true } if (DEBUG) { launchDebugPanel() } } function trackPageviewFinish() { if (vk === false || __empty(vk)) { // console.log('waiting for vk') waitForVkTimeout = setTimeout(trackPageviewFinish, 200) return } else { // console.log('vk READY') // console.log(vk) // alert("vk READY"); // alert(vk); clearTimeout(waitForVkTimeout) var referrer = document.referrer // TODO: Implement this also on backend if (__notEmpty(referrer)) { var referrerLocation = parseURL(referrer) if (isInArray(REFERRAL_EXCLUSION_LIST, referrerLocation.hostname)) { return } } // get the path or canonical var path = location.pathname + location.search var canonical = document.querySelector('link[rel="canonical"]') if (canonical && canonical.href) { if (canonical.href.indexOf('https://') === 0) { path = canonical.href.substring(canonical.href.indexOf('/', 8)) || '/' } else { path = canonical.href.substring(canonical.href.indexOf('/', 7)) || '/' } } if ( document.referrer.indexOf(location.protocol + '//' + location.host) === 0 ) { referrer = '' } else { referrer = document.referrer } ru = referrer var d = { vk: vk, pk: pk, t: document.title, l: navigator.language, tc: trackerCode, h: location.host, p: path, tl: trackingLocation, sr: screen.width + 'x' + screen.height, ru: ru, rk: '', sk: getSk(), ats: addToSession.toFixed(2) + '', spvc: getSpvc(true) + '' // ua: ((window && window.navigator && window.navigator.userAgent) ? window.navigator.userAgent : EMPTY) } lastTracked = d // var vk; //visitor key // var pk; //page view key var i = new Image() i.src = trackerUrl + '/collect' + stringifyObject(d) i.alt = 'image' pixelLoadedTimeOut = setTimeout(function () { onPixelLoaded(i, 1) }, 100) //document.body.appendChild(i) } } function trackPageview() { // Respect "Do Not Track" requests if (navigator.DonotTrack == 1) { return } vk = getAnyKey('vk') waitForVkTimeout = setTimeout(trackPageviewFinish, 100) } // override global ana object window.ana = function () { var args = [].slice.call(arguments) var c = args.shift() commands[c].apply(this, args) } // process existing queue queue.forEach(function (i) { ana.apply(this, i) }) // getSk returns the session key function getSk() { var _sk = C('sk') if (__notEmpty(_sk)) { // console.log('Existing Session Key, renewing: ' + _sk); setC('sk', _sk, sessionTimeoutInSeconds) } else { _sk = uuid() setC('sk', _sk, sessionTimeoutInSeconds) sk = _sk // console.log('New Session Key: ' + sk); } return _sk } // getAnyKey returns a key from a cookie and renews expiration, if not found creates a uuid and saves it to a cookie function getAnyKey(key, timeout) { if (__empty(timeout)) { timeout = defaultTimeoutInSeconds } var _k = C(key) if (__notEmpty(_k)) { // console.log('Existing Key, renewing: ' + _k) setC(key, _k, timeout) } else { // alert('creating new key'); // example request // getCORS('http://tracking.local:2030/c', function (request) { // var response = request.currentTarget.response || request.target.responseText; // console.log(response); // }); var url = trackerUrl + '/c' JSONP.get(url, function (data) { // alert(data.vk) if (__notEmpty(data.vk)) { _k = data.vk } else { _k = uuid() } vk = _k // alert(vk) setC(key, _k, timeout) }) } return _k } //getSpvc returns session pageview count function getSpvc(increase) { var _spvc = C('spvc') if (__notEmpty(_spvc)) { if (increase === true) { _spvc = parseInt(_spvc) + 1 } setC('spvc', _spvc, sessionTimeoutInSeconds) } else { if (increase === true) { _spvc = 1 } else { _spvc = 0 } setC('spvc', _spvc, sessionTimeoutInSeconds) } spvc = _spvc return _spvc } function trackPageviewTime() { TimeMe.initialize({ currentPageName: document.title, idleTimeoutInSeconds: idleTimeoutInSeconds }) // TimeMe.startTimer("session-time"); // TimeMe.startTimer("session-time"); // TimeMe.startTimer("pageview"); var callCount = 0 TimeMe.callWhenUserLeaves(function () { /* console.log( 'The user is not currently viewing the page! callCount: ' + callCount + '\nsk:' + getSk() ) */ getSk(); callCount = callCount + 1 // e=event // vk=visitor key // pk=page view key // pi=page id // vi=value int // vf=value float // vs=value string // vm=value meta // top=value time on page var top = TimeMe.getTimeOnCurrentPageInSeconds() var d = { vf: top.toFixed(2) } addToSession = top - stReported trackEvent('___time-on-page', d) stReported = parseFloat(top) }, 10000) } function trackEvent(event, values) { var d = { e: event, tc: trackerCode, top: TimeMe.getTimeOnCurrentPageInSeconds().toFixed(2) } if (__notEmpty(vk)) { d.vk = vk } if (__notEmpty(pk)) { d.pk = pk } if (__notEmpty(user.id)) { d.uid = user.id + '' if (!checkC('uids')) { console.log('uids not set yet') } else { console.log('uids already set') } } if (__notEmpty(trackerCode)) { d.tc = trackerCode + '' } d.ats = addToSession.toFixed(2) + '' d.sk = getSk() d.spvc = getSpvc(false) d = __mA(d, values) var i = new Image() i.src = trackerUrl + '/track' + stringifyObject(d) i.alt = 'image' //console.log(i.src) //document.body.appendChild(i) } // https://plainjs.com/javascript/ajax/making-cors-ajax-get-requests-54/ function postCORS(url, success) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() if (!('withCredentials' in xhr)) xhr = new XDomainRequest() // fix IE8/9 xhr.withCredentials = false xhr.open('GET', url) xhr.onload = success xhr.send() return xhr // // For cross-origin requests, some simple logic // // to determine if XDomainReqeust is needed. // if (new XMLHttpRequest().withCredentials === undefined) { // var xdr = new XDomainRequest(); // xdr.open('GET', url); // xdr.send('sometext'); // return xhr; // } } // function getCORS (url, success) { // var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // if (!('withCredentials' in xhr)) xhr = new XDomainRequest(); // fix IE8/9 // xhr.open('GET', url); // xhr.onload = success; // xhr.send(); // return xhr; // } // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43449788/how-do-i-merge-two-dictionaries-in-javascript function __mA(a, b) { var merged = [a, b].reduce(function (r, o) { Object.keys(o).forEach(function (k) { r[k] = o[k] }) return r }, {}) return merged } function __empty(s) { if (__notEmpty(s)) { return false } return true } function __notEmpty(s) { if (s === undefined) { s = '' } else { s += '' } if (s.length > 0) { return true } return false } // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5639346/what-is-the-shortest-function-for-reading-a-cookie-by-name-in-javascript function C(k) { return (document.cookie.match('(^|; )' + k + '=([^;]*)') || 0)[2] } // https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp function setC(cname, cvalue, exsec) { var d = new Date() d.setTime(d.getTime() + exsec * 1000) // d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = 'expires=' + d.toUTCString() document.cookie = cname + '=' + cvalue + ';' + expires + ';SameSite=None;Secure;path=/' } // TODO: Cleanup these cookie stuff function setCDays(cname, cvalue, exdays) { // d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); setC(cname, cvalue, exdays * 60 * 60 * 24) } // https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp function checkC(k) { var v = C(k) if (__notEmpty(v)) { return true } return false } // https://gist.github.com/jcxplorer/823878 function uuid() { var uuid = '', i, random for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { random = (Math.random() * 16) | 0 if (i == 8 || i == 12 || i == 16 || i == 20) { uuid += '-' } uuid += (i == 12 ? 4 : i == 16 ? (random & 3) | 8 : random).toString(16) } return uuid } // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14461450/check-if-string-inside-an-array-javascript function isInArray(values, value) { return values.indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) > -1 } function parseURL(url) { var parser = document.createElement('a') parser.href = url return parser // parser.protocol; // => "http:" // parser.hostname; // => "example.com" // parser.port; // => "3000" // parser.pathname; // => "/pathname/" // parser.search; // => "?search=test" // parser.hash; // => "#hash" // parser.host; // => "example.com:3000" } // timeme.min.js // http://timemejs.com/ ; (function () { !(function (e, t) { return 'undefined' != typeof module && module.exports ? (module.exports = t()) : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? void define([], function () { return (e.TimeMe = t()) }) : (e.TimeMe = t()) })(this, function () { var e = { startStopTimes: {}, idleTimeoutMs: 3e4, currentIdleTimeMs: 0, checkStateRateMs: 250, active: !1, idle: !1, currentPageName: 'default-page-name', timeElapsedCallbacks: [], userLeftCallbacks: [], userReturnCallbacks: [], trackTimeOnElement: function (t) { var n = document.getElementById(t) n && (n.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { e.startTimer(t) }), n.addEventListener('mousemove', function () { e.startTimer(t) }), n.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () { e.stopTimer(t) }), n.addEventListener('keypress', function () { e.startTimer(t) }), n.addEventListener('focus', function () { e.startTimer(t) })) }, getTimeOnElementInSeconds: function (t) { var n = e.getTimeOnPageInSeconds(t) return n ? n : 0 }, startTimer: function (t) { if ((t || (t = e.currentPageName), void 0 === e.startStopTimes[t])) e.startStopTimes[t] = [] else { var n = e.startStopTimes[t], i = n[n.length - 1] if (void 0 !== i && void 0 === i.stopTime) return } e.startStopTimes[t].push({ startTime: new Date(), stopTime: void 0 }), (e.active = !0) }, stopAllTimers: function () { for (var t = Object.keys(e.startStopTimes), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) e.stopTimer(t[n]) }, stopTimer: function (t) { t || (t = e.currentPageName) var n = e.startStopTimes[t] void 0 !== n && 0 !== n.length && (void 0 === n[n.length - 1].stopTime && (n[n.length - 1].stopTime = new Date()), (e.active = !1)) }, getTimeOnCurrentPageInSeconds: function () { return e.getTimeOnPageInSeconds(e.currentPageName) }, getTimeOnPageInSeconds: function (t) { var n = e.getTimeOnPageInMilliseconds(t) return void 0 === n ? void 0 : e.getTimeOnPageInMilliseconds(t) / 1e3 }, getTimeOnCurrentPageInMilliseconds: function () { return e.getTimeOnPageInMilliseconds(e.currentPageName) }, getTimeOnPageInMilliseconds: function (t) { var n = 0, i = e.startStopTimes[t] if (void 0 !== i) { for (var s = 0, o = 0; o < i.length; o++) { var r = i[o].startTime, a = i[o].stopTime void 0 === a && (a = new Date()) var d = a - r s += d } return (n = Number(s)) } }, getTimeOnAllPagesInSeconds: function () { for ( var t = [], n = Object.keys(e.startStopTimes), i = 0; i < n.length; i++ ) { var s = n[i], o = e.getTimeOnPageInSeconds(s) t.push({ pageName: s, timeOnPage: o }) } return t }, setIdleDurationInSeconds: function (t) { var n = parseFloat(t) if (isNaN(n) !== !1) throw { name: 'InvalidDurationException', message: 'An invalid duration time (' + t + ') was provided.' } return (e.idleTimeoutMs = 1e3 * t), this }, setCurrentPageName: function (t) { return (e.currentPageName = t), this }, resetRecordedPageTime: function (t) { delete e.startStopTimes[t] }, resetAllRecordedPageTimes: function () { for (var t = Object.keys(e.startStopTimes), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) e.resetRecordedPageTime(t[n]) }, resetIdleCountdown: function () { e.idle && e.triggerUserHasReturned(), (e.idle = !1), (e.currentIdleTimeMs = 0) }, callWhenUserLeaves: function (e, t) { this.userLeftCallbacks.push({ callback: e, numberOfTimesToInvoke: t }) }, callWhenUserReturns: function (e, t) { this.userReturnCallbacks.push({ callback: e, numberOfTimesToInvoke: t }) }, triggerUserHasReturned: function () { if (!e.active) for (var t = 0; t < this.userReturnCallbacks.length; t++) { var n = this.userReturnCallbacks[t], i = n.numberOfTimesToInvoke ; (isNaN(i) || void 0 === i || i > 0) && ((n.numberOfTimesToInvoke -= 1), n.callback()) } e.startTimer() }, triggerUserHasLeftPage: function () { if (e.active) for (var t = 0; t < this.userLeftCallbacks.length; t++) { var n = this.userLeftCallbacks[t], i = n.numberOfTimesToInvoke ; (isNaN(i) || void 0 === i || i > 0) && ((n.numberOfTimesToInvoke -= 1), n.callback()) } e.stopAllTimers() }, callAfterTimeElapsedInSeconds: function (t, n) { e.timeElapsedCallbacks.push({ timeInSeconds: t, callback: n, pending: !0 }) }, checkState: function () { for (var t = 0; t < e.timeElapsedCallbacks.length; t++) e.timeElapsedCallbacks[t].pending && e.getTimeOnCurrentPageInSeconds() > e.timeElapsedCallbacks[t].timeInSeconds && (e.timeElapsedCallbacks[t].callback(), (e.timeElapsedCallbacks[t].pending = !1)) e.idle === !1 && e.currentIdleTimeMs > e.idleTimeoutMs ? ((e.idle = !0), e.triggerUserHasLeftPage()) : (e.currentIdleTimeMs += e.checkStateRateMs) }, visibilityChangeEventName: void 0, hiddenPropName: void 0, listenForVisibilityEvents: function () { 'undefined' != typeof document.hidden ? ((e.hiddenPropName = 'hidden'), (e.visibilityChangeEventName = 'visibilitychange')) : 'undefined' != typeof doc.mozHidden ? ((e.hiddenPropName = 'mozHidden'), (e.visibilityChangeEventName = 'mozvisibilitychange')) : 'undefined' != typeof document.msHidden ? ((e.hiddenPropName = 'msHidden'), (e.visibilityChangeEventName = 'msvisibilitychange')) : 'undefined' != typeof document.webkitHidden && ((e.hiddenPropName = 'webkitHidden'), (e.visibilityChangeEventName = 'webkitvisibilitychange')), document.addEventListener( e.visibilityChangeEventName, function () { document[e.hiddenPropName] ? e.triggerUserHasLeftPage() : e.triggerUserHasReturned() }, !1 ), window.addEventListener('blur', function () { e.triggerUserHasLeftPage() }), window.addEventListener('focus', function () { e.triggerUserHasReturned() }), document.addEventListener('mousemove', function () { e.resetIdleCountdown() }), document.addEventListener('keyup', function () { e.resetIdleCountdown() }), document.addEventListener('touchstart', function () { e.resetIdleCountdown() }), window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { e.resetIdleCountdown() }), setInterval(function () { e.checkState() }, e.checkStateRateMs) }, websocket: void 0, websocketHost: void 0, setUpWebsocket: function (t) { if (window.WebSocket && t) { var n = t.websocketHost try { ; (e.websocket = new WebSocket(n)), (window.onbeforeunload = function (n) { e.sendCurrentTime(t.appId) }), (e.websocket.onopen = function () { e.sendInitWsRequest(t.appId) }), (e.websocket.onerror = function (e) { console && console.log('Error occurred in websocket connection: ' + e) }), (e.websocket.onmessage = function (e) { console && console.log(e.data) }) } catch (i) { console && console.error('Failed to connect to websocket host. Error:' + i) } } return this }, websocketSend: function (t) { e.websocket.send(JSON.stringify(t)) }, sendCurrentTime: function (t) { var n = e.getTimeOnCurrentPageInMilliseconds(), i = { type: 'INSERT_TIME', appId: t, timeOnPageMs: n, pageName: e.currentPageName } e.websocketSend(i) }, sendInitWsRequest: function (t) { var n = { type: 'INIT', appId: t } e.websocketSend(n) }, initialize: function (t) { var n = e.idleTimeoutMs || 30, i = e.currentPageName || 'default-page-name', s = void 0 t && ((n = t.idleTimeoutInSeconds || n), (i = t.currentPageName || i), (s = t.websocketOptions)), e .setIdleDurationInSeconds(n) .setCurrentPageName(i) .setUpWebsocket(s) .listenForVisibilityEvents(), e.startTimer() } } return e }) }.call(this)) // ******************************************************* // // DEBUG FUNCTIONS, MUST BE REMOVED WHEN DEPLOYING TO PROD // // ******************************************************* // function fixFormURLS() { var formElement = document.getElementById('f25a5fab_id') var currentAction = formElement.getAttribute('action') var newAction if ( trackerUrl === 'https://analytics.clientify.net' && currentAction.indexOf('https://staging.clientify.net') == 0 ) { // alert('neet to fix') newAction = currentAction.replace( 'https://staging.clientify.net', 'https://clientify.net' ) // alert(newAction) formElement.setAttribute('action', newAction) document .querySelector('[name="form_action"]') .setAttribute('value', newAction) fixFormSubmit() } } function fixFormSubmit() { form = document.getElementById('f25a5fab_id') if (!form) { form = document.querySelector('form[role="form"]') } var formAction = document.querySelector('input[name="form_action"]').value var errorMessage = 'Error submiting the form' form.setAttribute('action', formAction) form.onsubmit = function (e) { // Stop the regular form submission e.preventDefault() // Collect the form data while iterating over the inputs var data = {} for (var i = 0, ii = form.length; i < ii; ++i) { var input = form[i] if (input.name) { // data.append(input.id, input.value); data[input.name] = input.value } } data.visitor_key = vk // Construct an HTTP request var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() // xhr.open(form.method, form.action, true); xhr.open('POST', formAction, true) xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Accept', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' ) xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' ) // Send the collected data as JSON xhr.send(param(data)) document.querySelector('#f25a5fab_id').style.opacity = 0.5 // Callback function xhr.onloadend = function (response) { document.querySelector('#f25a5fab_id').style.opacity = 1 if (response.target.status === 0 || response.target.status === 400) { errorMsg.innerText = errorMessage errorMsg.style.display = 'block' successMsg.style.display = 'none' } else if (response.target.status === 200) { // Success var responseObj = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText) var errorMsg = document.getElementById('form_error_id') var successMsg = document.getElementById('form_success_id') if (responseObj.success) { // console.log(responseObj.tracking_pixel) var i = new Image() i.src = responseObj.tracking_pixel i.alt = 'image' // pixelLoadedTimeOut = setTimeout(function () { // onPixelLoaded(i, 1); // }, 100); //document.body.appendChild(i) form.reset() errorMsg.style.display = 'none' if (responseObj.success_option === 'message') { successMsg.innerText = responseObj.success_text successMsg.style.display = 'block' } else if ( responseObj.success_option === 'redirection' || responseObj.success_option === 'landingpage' ) { document.location = responseObj.success_text } } else { errorMsg.innerText = errorMessage errorMsg.style.display = 'block' successMsg.style.display = 'none' } } } } } if (document.getElementById('f25a5fab_id')) { fixFormURLS() } window.TRACKER_LIB_LOADED = true function _debug__TrackEvent() { var e = document.getElementById('_debug__select_event_id') var value = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value var text = e.options[e.selectedIndex].text if (value === '') { alert('Debes selecionar un evento') return } trackEvent(value, {}) } function launchDebugPanel() { var p = document.createElement('div') p.style = ` background: rgba(51, 122, 183, 0.9); position: fixed; width: 500px; right: 10px; bottom: 10px; z-index: 99999; padding: 10px; color: #fff; font-family: **sans-serif;` p.innerHTML += `
Clientify Tracking Debug Panel
Tracking Code:
Unique Visitor Key:
Pageview key:
Pageview Duration:
Session Key:
Session Duration (added from this page):
Session Duration (new difference just added):
Session Pageview Count:
Test Custom Event Tracking
` document.body.appendChild(p) setInterval(function () { var currentTime = TimeMe.getTimeOnCurrentPageInSeconds().toFixed(2) document.getElementById('_debug_panel_tc').innerHTML = trackerCode document.getElementById('_debug_panel_vk').innerHTML = vk document.getElementById('_debug_panel_pk').innerHTML = pk document.getElementById('id_sec').innerHTML = currentTime document.getElementById('id_sk').innerHTML = sk document.getElementById('id_sk_time').innerHTML = stReported.toFixed(2) document.getElementById('id_sk_diff_time').innerHTML = addToSession.toFixed( 2 ) document.getElementById('id_spvc').innerHTML = getSpvc(false) document.getElementById('id_host').innerHTML = lastTracked.h document.getElementById('id_path').innerHTML = lastTracked.p document.getElementById('id_referral').innerHTML = ru }, 300) }